“ATHINA THEA”, Gianna Andreadi: A reference in the urban landscape of Athens through citizen’s windows.

Athina thea(view) or Athina thea(deity)? Since December, residents of Athens are exploring the richness and the poetry of the city, through their own photographs.

An exhibition that started as an idea on facebook and invited the Athenians to take a photograph of the view out of their windows.

A view with the exclusive expression of the creator that registers new, unexpected aspects of the urban landscape.

Only with a basic requirement: The window or a part of it must framing the image, achieving a sense of  painting and a frame of a camera at the same time. A reference to the art of photography and painting simultaneously. Also this technique, creates a noticeable sense of interior and exterior, as well as private kai public space.

The participation was high among citizens, artists and photographers. 1.840 photographs were selected out of 10.000, covering the entire area of Athens.

After the exhibition of Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Benaki Museum presents the exhibition ATHINA THEA, Gianna Andreadi, with 110 photos and a presentation of 400 images from 500 participants.

On the occasion of the exhibition,  the book Fenêtres sur Athènes,Agra is released, with 180 photographs and articles from Jean-Christophe Bailly, Aude Mathé, Gianni Tsiomi and Nteni Zaharopoulou.


The ATHINA THEA  will take place in Benaki Museum from December 27, 2016 till January 29, 2017.


ATHENS VIEW, Gianna Andreadis

Benaki Museum

Photo: Nikos Stavrakantonakis, Kypseli

Source: www.culturenow.gr